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About me
Living with 22 creatives in Parnell

The Big House


I'm currently living in the Big House, a vegetarian, eco-friendly community of 22 people living together in Parnell.


Flatmates are working or studying at postgraduate level in the areas of music, fine arts, teaching, environment, social work, healthcare including doctor and nurse, psychology, media, science research and hospitality


We often enjoy the weekend by creating music, painting, and writing poetry.

Since I've been living here, I've been organizing a big house music concert every year.


6 22 Artist_Musician Flatmates at Big House Parnell, 2019.jpg

Mid Winter Christmas Party 

June 2019


The Big House Parnell 

21 rooms in this 100 year old house.

It used to be catholic girls boarding school at the top of the Parnell rise.


Kiwi Life

As far as I know there is a huge diversity in the ways family or friends live in Aotearoa, with people just choosing what makes them happy.


I've learned how to live here as a Kiwi since 2016, and even though it's a more unique style of living, I feel genuinely happy to live here as a part of a big community.

Cooking and eating together, discussing and tackling issues big and small together, and contributing to the community by organising events, doing working bees - this is how to bring skills to the community and make everyone in the community happy.
In the house I've learned not only language, but also natural kiwi life, making others around you happy brings happiness back. Aroha mai, aroha atu - Love received demands love returned


My Mission


​Of course, the first few years were a struggle for me to learn how to live within another culture, not only getting used to life in another language, but I had never lived abroad, and never with so many people in my life before!

Now I feel so lucky to live here, and I want to continue to contribute more to NZ society through music education in the coming years. I feel my mission is to make students happy through everyday lessons, with that energy going full circle to contribute to world peace.



For those interested in the history of the Big House, check out the links below.

Michael Baker and the Big House 
By Russell Brown, Public Address


Living in The Big House

By Rose Archer, Re:


At home with 22 flatmates and a band called FRED
By Josie Steenhart,


Natsuki Nomichi

8th March 2022



Skating Party 

Farewell party for a flatmate leaving to Australia.

February 2021

3 Clot_ Niamh O'Keeffe, Felicia Marie Dounis, Emma Thompson, Sarah Easdown, with Louis And

Clot, The Big House gothic band 

August 2020


Caramilky, The Big House Cat on the Tree  



Huge Sunflower, around 4 - 5 meters

March 2021

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